Showing posts with label games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label games. Show all posts

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Clash of Clans

Answer the call of the mustache! Join the international fray that is Clash of Clans. Customize your village, build an army and crush your opponents. Like using friendship to strike fear into your enemies? Join a Clan, or establish a Clashing legacy by creating your own. The choice is yours in this millions-strong community of Barbarians. Download for free and Clash on, Chief!
Source: Supercell

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Tired of exchanging links and reading latest blogs? Here is the newest game for you all bloggers around the world. Stay a bit of this "Name The Differences" game. This game is all about computer and its peripherals. If you are a computer blogger, im sure you can list down all the diffences of the above picture. There are eleven (11) things which do not belong to computer technology, peripherals and computer tools, (note: please exclude the floor mat. hehehe). Please list down all of these eleven things you see on the above picture and the answers will be place in your comment below for your hearty answers :-). This is just for fun. I know some of you here have eyes' strain. Well, its time to boggle your mind a moment. Let's start the game. No time limit of one (1) minute. hehehe ex. 1. comb
2. ? to 11 ?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jakiro - The Twin Head Dragon DOTa

Originally found gnawing at the roots of the World Tree during an excavation, this magnificent Chimaera’s age is impossible to determine. With his large snapping heads and agressive, unpredictable behavior, Jakiro is an intimidating creature to say the least, yet in loyal to the Sentinel for reasons all his own. Due to his strange mystical nature, he has a strange affinity with the element forces of ice and fire, allows him to devastate all he sees before him, and is more than capable of keeping a targets enemy in his line of fury. The Scourge would do best to be wary of this dragon, lest they all freeze and shatter as their precious Frozen Throne melts before their eyes.
Jakiro - The Twin Head DragonRange: 400
Move Speed: 290Primary: INTStr: 24 + 2.3
Agi: 10 + 1.2
Int: 28 + 2.8Damage: 42 - 54 HP: 606
Mana: 364HP Regen: 0.97 Mana Regen: 1.13Attack Speed: 1.4
Armor: 0

GiggleYohoo designed by CHRiS CaGanG - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED series of 2022

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