By watching this video you will know if your router and computer is connected through ethernet cable connection. There are ways on how to check if you are connected by just clicking the network connection from your PC or pinging your pc to other network. Also, using terminal emulator will give you the details of your connection. Sorry no audio. Thank you.
Today I just realised that Linux is fun. I have heard most of the Linux lovers will never turn back to Windows. Not me, I would say and stay closer to windows to get fresh air. Haha Seriously, Linux is fun if you continuously learn their things on how it works. It's amazing. Just now, I installed TOR browser, it is like magic. You will become anonymous to everyone because your IP address will be different from the real ones. Also, Anonsurf is great stuff as well. You can be anonymous too. It is a great tool for sneaking but not good for UNethical hacking. I downloaded this software for learning purposes only.
Nowadays, most of us are relying on internet connectivity especially in a wireless connection. To connect devices in a wireless connection is an easy way to do it if you have permission to the access point. This video gives you a basic information on how to connect an old school way of connecting and installing wired connection. Although this procedure still exist nowadays but without knowledge on how to make a simple data cable connection, you won't be able to stream movies and connect online.
I am glad that I have installed Kali Linux operating system with no issue at all. Before I install Kali I read some blog on how to install it. They've said that there are some issue that you will encounter during the installation. Yes, I have encountered issues but they are manageable. With my patience and eagerness to learn, issues won't be a problem.
The steps to install Kali, first you must have a thumb drive about 8 Gb in capacity. Then download Rufus and Kali linux. Save it in to your machine. Unzipped Kali image file then run the executable file of your Rufus. Make sure to set your BIOS and enable the external device on your BIOS for your thumb drive to detect during boot up. Set to primary the external drive on your BIOS then click F10 to save. Reboot the system then choose Kali Linux to install. Just follow and read the instruction from the display. You will not lose unless you are reading it carefully from your monitor. During installation you will engage in conflict with the missing network driver for your machine (mine is Sony Vaio). Mr Google is there to help and assist you. Google it and you will find the answer. In less than an hour depending in your system, Kali will be up and running. Then, there you go. Its time to explore, play with and penetrate the system. If there are any questions please feel free to ping me and I am happy to assist you with the best of my knowledge. Goodluck.
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