Monday, December 15, 2008


GiggleYohoo -- A personal website owned, designed and modified by Chris Cagang, based in Queensland, Australia. The site was activated on December 14, 2008. GiggleYohoo was transformed and derived from the names of two gigantic search engines, Google and Yahoo. The owner has intention neither to ruin the two gigantic sites nor to compete with. Hahaha hopefully will but nevermind. Honestly, the owner loves the two gigantic search engines. The owner is a simple true Filipino by blood and Australian citizen by law (oi oi oi), a part time blogger and a full time hardworking employee. GiggleYohoo is a site where fun and excitement get connected. Let us laugh and shout with GiggleYohoo.


GiggleYohoo designed by CHRiS CaGanG - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED series of 2022

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