Showing posts with label sweet donut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sweet donut. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Sweet Donut's Gear

I am reading the blog of Donna and it is somewhat funny because of the content of what she has written. An image of a car which is so nice and cool. It looks like a beetle to me, I found it so cute to ride. As I read the blog, it tells about the life that she has now, the present life of her that I thought it was all about the vehicle. lolz. I made funny comments to her shoutbox that describes about the changing gear. I posted and it goes something about the gear that refers about the life. My messages of her shoutbox said: You have to be in the "Primera (1) to speed-up the life to Segunda (2) and to reach the Tresera (3) inorder to have KWARTA (Money or 4) and once you have KWARTA you need to change it to Quinta (5) but never stay always to Sixta and sometimes go back to Neutral and always lookback to Atras (backward). lolz. Sounds crazy but that is what we call the gear of life. You have to lookback the good and bad things you have made. Always think that you have a goal to reach no matter how many miles you have to leap or drive. The important is your good driving to success. What the fact!

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